Links |
Date |
Title |
Passage |
01/18/15 |
Love, pt. 3 |
Matthew 22:36-40 |
01/11/15 |
Love, pt. 2 |
John 3:16 |
01/04/15 |
Love, pt. 1 |
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 |
12/28/14 |
The Resurrection |
Mark 16:1-20 |
12/21/14 |
Christmas: Fellowship Restored |
1 John 1:1-10 |
12/14/14 |
The Cross |
Mark 14:32-15:47 |
12/07/14 |
The Cross |
Mark 14:32-15:47 |
11/30/14 |
Why Do We Observe The Lord's Supper? |
Mark 14:1-31 |
11/23/14 |
The Authentic Jesus |
Mark 13:1-37 |
11/16/14 |
Jesus & The Religious Leaders |
Mark 12:1-44 |
11/09/14 |
The Arrival Of The Great King |
Mark 11:1-33 |
11/02/14 |
The Rich Young Ruler & Blind Bartimaeus |
Mark 10:1-52 |
10/26/14 |
Peace, Unity & The Christian Life |
Mark 9:33-50 |
10/19/14 |
The Transfiguration: The Glory Of Jesus |
Mark 9:1-32 |
10/12/14 |
Who Is Jesus? |
Mark 8:1-38 |
10/05/14 |
(Guest Speaker - missionary Rick Fessel) |
1 Timothy 1:12-17 |
09/28/14 |
Issues Of The Heart |
Mark 7:1-37 |
09/21/14 |
Faith & The Feeding Of 5,000 |
Mark 6:1-56 |
09/14/14 |
Jesus' Healings |
Mark 5:1-43 |
09/07/14 |
Parable Of The Sower |
Mark 4:1-20 |
08/31/14 |
The Authentic Jesus |
Mark 3:1-35 |
08/24/14 |
Jesus Proves Who He Is |
Mark 2:1-28 |
08/17/14 |
Why Jesus Came |
Mark 1:14-45 |
08/10/14 |
Jesus: Prophecy Fulfilled |
Mark 1:1-13 |
08/03/14 |
Exodus Review |
Exodus |
07/27/14 |
The Deliverance Of God |
Exodus 33-34 |
07/20/14 |
The Golden Calf |
Exodus 32 |
07/13/14 |
The Sabbath |
Exodus 31 |
07/06/14 |
The Tabernacle |
Exodus 25-27, 30 |
06/29/14 |
God's Holiness |
Exodus 23-24 |
06/22/14 |
Temptations (Guest Speaker - Toby Thompson) |
Hebrews 4 |
06/15/14 |
The Law |
Exodus 21-23 |
06/08/14 |
Ten Commandments |
Exodus 19-20 |
06/01/14 |
Delegating—Serving Together |
Exodus 18 |
05/25/14 |
Grumbling Amidst God's Provision |
Exodus 15-17 |
05/18/14 |
(Guest Speaker - missionary Brian Krueger) |
05/11/14 |
The Deliverance Of God: Red Sea Crossing |
Exodus 13-15 |
05/04/14 |
The Deliverance Of God |
Exodus 11-12 |
04/27/14 |
The Deliverance Of God |
Exodus 9-10 |
04/20/14 |
Easter: The Cross & The Resurrection Of Jesus |
Acts 2:1-47 |
04/13/14 |
The Plagues |
Exodus 7-8 |
04/06/14 |
The Deliverance Of God |
Exodus 5-6 |
03/30/14 |
The Deliverance Of God |
Exodus 3-4 |
03/23/14 |
Baby Moses |
Exodus 2 |
03/16/14 |
The Narrative Continues |
Exodus 1 |
03/09/14 |
A Lifestyle Of Change |
Hebrews 10 |
03/02/14 |
Change And The Church |
Ephesians 4:1-16 |
02/23/14 |
(Guest Speaker - Ulysses Bestey) |
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 |
02/16/14 |
Change: The Process |
Ephesians 4:17-24 |
02/09/14 |
Change: Using God's Word |
Psalm 119 |
02/02/14 |
Change: By The Spirit Of God |
John 16:5-16 |
01/26/14 |
Change: From The Inside Out |
James 4:1-10 |
01/19/14 |
Change: Grace vs. Works |
Galatians 3:1-29 |
01/12/14 |
The Cross: Why Did All This Happen? |
Matthew 26:36-27:56 |
01/05/14 |
Warning: He's Coming |
2 Corinthians 13:1-14 |
12/29/13 |
Signs Of A True Servant, pt. 2 |
2 Corinthians 12:1-21 |
12/22/13 |
God Is An Amazing Giver |
2 Corinthians 9:15 |
12/15/13 |
Signs Of A True Servant |
2 Corinthians 11:1-33 |
12/15/13 |
More On Spiritual Warfare (evening service) |
2 Corinthians 10 |
12/08/13 |
What's So Spiritual About Warfare? |
2 Corinthians 10:1-18 |
12/01/13 |
The Grace Of Giving, pt. 3 |
2 Corinthians 9:1-15 |
11/24/13 |
The Grace Of Giving, pt. 2 |
2 Corinthians 8:1-24 |
11/17/13 |
The Grace Of Giving |
2 Corinthians 8:1-15 |
11/10/13 |
True Repentance |
2 Corinthians 7:1-16 |
11/03/13 |
The Purpose Of Separation |
2 Corinthians 6:1-18 |
10/27/13 |
The Normal Christian Life |
2 Corinthians 5:1-21 |
10/20/13 |
The Purpose & Results Of Affliction |
2 Corinthians 4:1-18 |
10/13/13 |
Law vs. Spirit |
2 Corinthians 3:1-18 |
10/06/13 |
(Guest Speaker - Mark Cahill) |
09/29/13 |
The Purpose Of Church Discipline |
2 Corinthians 2:1-11 |
09/22/13 |
The God Of All Comfort |
2 Corinthians 1:1-11 |
09/15/13 |
History & Purpose of 2 Corinthians |
2 Corinthians 1 |
09/08/13 |
Joseph: Faithfulness Under Trial, pt. 3 |
Genesis 42-45 |
09/08/13 |
The Problem With Divisions (evening service) |
1 Corinthians 11:17-30 |
09/01/13 |
Joseph: Faithfulness Under Trial, pt. 2 |
Genesis 39-41 |
08/25/13 |
Joseph: Faithfulness Under Trial, pt. 1 |
Genesis 37 |
08/18/13 |
Jacob The Deceiver |
Genesis 29-33 |
08/11/13 |
Isaac: Like Father Like Son |
Genesis 26 |
08/04/13 |
Esau Sells His Birthright |
Genesis 25 |
07/28/13 |
The Sacrifice Of Isaac |
Genesis 22 |
07/21/13 |
Isaac Is Given, God's Provision vs. Man's Mess |
Genesis 20-21 |
07/14/13 |
Rescue From Sodom & Gomorrah |
Genesis 18-19 |
07/14/13 |
Baby Dedication Service (evening) |
07/07/13 |
The Plan |
Genesis 16-17 |
06/30/13 |
Abrahamic Covenant |
Genesis 15 |
06/23/13 |
Abram Called |
Genesis 12 |
06/16/13 |
Babel |
Genesis 11 |
06/09/13 |
The Flood |
Genesis 6-9 |
06/02/13 |
Where Does Murder Come From |
Genesis 5 |
05/26/13 |
The Fall Of Man |
Genesis 3 |
05/19/13 |
How To Show The Grace Of God To Others (Guest Speaker - Paul Katsion) |
Luke 15:11-32 |
05/12/13 |
(Guest Speaker - Cal Voelker) |
05/05/13 |
Marriage & Relationships God's Way |
Genesis 2:18-24 |
04/28/13 |
Made For A Purpose |
Genesis 1-2 |
04/21/13 |
(Guest Speaker - Carl Kerby) |
04/14/13 |
The Creation Account |
Genesis 1-2 |
04/07/13 |
Real People |
Colossians 4:7-18 |
04/07/13 |
Colossians Book Review (evening service) |
Colossians |
03/31/13 |
A Living Hope |
1 Peter 1:3-5 |
03/24/13 |
The Point Of Palm Sunday |
Psalm 95 |